A friend’s eye is a good mirror
Emma shares insights for churches in Ireland gleaned from paying attention to friends beyond these shores.
Emma shares insights for churches in Ireland gleaned from paying attention to friends beyond these shores.
I need to start with an apology: the Attention Seekers haven’t been paying much attention lately. At least, not on this blog. Truth be told, our attention has been paid elsewhere as we put down roots in a new home, a new church family and a new role for me. But we’re gearing up to …
Emma reviews Chaim Potok’s novel, I Am The Clay, and ponders how a good story can help us see more clearly one another’s lives.
Paul reflects on his friend and co-worker, Mary Rose Gibson, who died on 21st September 2023, after a short illness. [This tribute was given at the “Friendship Club” at Kirkpatrick Memorial Presbyterian Church.] Before I had even met Mary Rose, she gave me a gift. An hour or two before my first staff meeting on …
This third Lenten reflection comes on the week when Paul attended the funeral of a former student. How does Christ want us to respond to sudden loss?
Paul begins a series of lenten reflections on the last words of Jesus spoken from the cross.
A poetic reflection on the quiet beauty of an aging pet.
Emma reflects on the writing process and shares some poems from covid days.