A friend’s eye is a good mirror
Emma shares insights for churches in Ireland gleaned from paying attention to friends beyond these shores.
Emma shares insights for churches in Ireland gleaned from paying attention to friends beyond these shores.
The opening of John’s gospel provides some of the richest poetry in all literature. As an erstwhile English teacher, I am drawn back time and time again to the complex layering of metaphor as John urges us to begin to conceptualise this miracle of miracles – God made flesh. In the beginning was the Word, and …
Emma reviews Chaim Potok’s novel, I Am The Clay, and ponders how a good story can help us see more clearly one another’s lives.
Emma reviews Claire Keegan’s Booker Prize nominated Small Things Like These, a novella about one father’s encounter with one of Ireland’s infamous Magdalene laundries.
Trusting God with the last of ourselves… Emma concludes our Lenten series with a meditation on the seventh last saying of Jesus.
A poetic reflection on the quiet beauty of an aging pet.
Emma reflects on the writing process and shares some poems from covid days.