Remember Who You Are
Paul reflects on the paradox of Ash Wednesday, that we are both dust and beloved.
Paul reflects on the paradox of Ash Wednesday, that we are both dust and beloved.
Emma shares insights for churches in Ireland gleaned from paying attention to friends beyond these shores.
The opening of John’s gospel provides some of the richest poetry in all literature. As an erstwhile English teacher, I am drawn back time and time again to the complex layering of metaphor as John urges us to begin to conceptualise this miracle of miracles – God made flesh. In the beginning was the Word, and …
Paul reflects on “Let Justice Roll”, the 2023 conference of The Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence. This year the conference was held in partnership with Christ at the Checkpoint, a community of evangelical Christians based at Bethlehem Bible College who explore what Christian discipleship looks like amidst the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Is it part of Christian faith to accept the inexplicability of evil? Paul continues his Lent reflections by contemplating the fourth last saying of Jesus from the cross.
Paul reflects on the hope of Christmas in light of his recent experience in Bethlehem.