Remember Who You Are
Paul reflects on the paradox of Ash Wednesday, that we are both dust and beloved.
Paul reflects on the paradox of Ash Wednesday, that we are both dust and beloved.
The opening of John’s gospel provides some of the richest poetry in all literature. As an erstwhile English teacher, I am drawn back time and time again to the complex layering of metaphor as John urges us to begin to conceptualise this miracle of miracles – God made flesh. In the beginning was the Word, and …
Trusting God with the last of ourselves… Emma concludes our Lenten series with a meditation on the seventh last saying of Jesus.
What are we thirsting after? Paul considers this question by listening to the fifth and sixth last sayings of Jesus on the cross.
Is it part of Christian faith to accept the inexplicability of evil? Paul continues his Lent reflections by contemplating the fourth last saying of Jesus from the cross.
This third Lenten reflection comes on the week when Paul attended the funeral of a former student. How does Christ want us to respond to sudden loss?
Transhumanism promises paradise. But where does this leave God? Paul reflects on the second of Jesus’ last sayings from the cross.
Paul begins a series of lenten reflections on the last words of Jesus spoken from the cross.
Reflecting on the great democratisation of dreaming foretold by the Prophet Joel, Paul ponders how the Spirit might enable us to dream God’s dream for Belfast and beyond. How might God use our troubled history to demonstrate the power of His grace? What version of Northern Ireland does the world need?